
Service Provider & Enterprise level

NOTE: It's important to note the Service Provider and Enterprise level within BroadWorks are ultimately the same level. In short, the only difference is Groups under an Enterprise can extension dial each other and be managed under one Enterprise admin. Groups under a Service Provider are independent of one another and only a Group admin can see each Group they belong to.

Service Provider & Enterprise dashboard panels

The panels under this level are made up into the following categories:

NOTE: The content under each panel may differ for each hostname configured under the 'branding' settings.

Default items per panel:

Provisioning panel:

The following items are available under the provisioning panel:

NOTE: The following levels have access to the above:

    • System

    • Provisioning

    • Enterprise

Services panel:

The following items are available under the services panel:

Management panel:

The following items are available under the management panel:

Groups panel:

The following items are available under the Group panel:

  • A summarized panel view of groups in the system

    • NOTE: A full list page can accessed by clicking on the 'Groups' row under the Management Panel

  • Search by group name or group ID in the search field

  • Add a new group by clicking on the '+' icon

  • Clone an existing group by clicking on the 'clone' icon

Reports panel:

The following items are available under the Reports panel: