Group Paging

Group Paging configuration

Enable users to page a group of users by dialing a paging group number or extension.

Group Paging initial setup includes:

Ability to add a Paging Group

    • Click on the plus ‘+’ icon to bring up a modal window to create a new paging group

Ability to search for a paging group from the list.

Ability to modify an existing paging by clicking on any listed

Ability to activate and / or deactivate an existing paging group

    • Click on the check box under the ‘active’ column to activate or deactivate a paging group.

Group Paging - Create

Enable users to page a group of users by dialing a paging group number or extension.

Group Paging Create includes two tabs:

1. Details (required information)

    • Service User ID

    • Service User Domain

    • Service Profile Name

    • CLID Last Name

    • CLID

2. Profile (optional information)

    • Phone Number

    • Extension

    • Password

    • Public User Identity

    • Alias

    • Department

    • Language

    • Timezone

Group Paging - Modify

Group Paging modify includes the following tabs:

  1. Details (required information)

  2. Profile

  3. Originators

    • Display and configure the list of subscribers who may originate pages for this paging group.

  4. Targets

    • Display and configure the list of subscribers whom the pages from this group will be sent to.

  5. Advanced

    • Configure user Call Policies

  6. Info

    • List of feature access codes (FAC)