Auto Attendant
Auto Attendant configuration
Serves as an automated receptionist that answers the phone and provides a personalized message to callers. Callers have the option to connect to the operator, dial by name or extension, or connect to configurable extensions.
Initial Auto Attendant page includes:
1. Ability to add an Auto Attendant
Click on the plus ‘+’ icon to bring up a modal window to create a new auto attendant
2. Ability to search for an auto attendant from the list.
3. Ability to modify an existing auto attendant by clicking on any listed
4. Ability to activate and / or deactivate an existing auto attendant
Click on the check box under the ‘active’ column to activate or deactivate an auto attendant.
Auto Attendant - Create
Auto Attendant create page includes two tabs:
1. Required information
Type (basic or standard)
Service ID
Service Name
CLID Last Name
CLID First Name
Extension Dialing
Name Dialing
Name Dialing Entries
Tab 2:
2. Optional information:
Business Schedule
Holiday Schedule
Phone Number
Password / Repeat Password
Public User Identity
Auto Attendant - Modify
*additional settings may be available based on the group admin access level.
Modifying an existing Auto Attendant
Auto Attendant modify page includes the following primary settings:
1. Details
Assign schedules
2. Profile
Assign phone number and extension of an auto attendant
3. Business hours menu
Upload announcement audio file
Modify key digits for menu
4. After hours menu
Upload announcement audio file
Modify key digits for menu
5. Holiday hours menu
Upload announcement audio file
Modify key digits for menu