CC Agent Report

Call Center Agent Report

The Call Center Agent Report displays detailed reporting for ALL calls within a group's call centers.

Call Record Types:

  1. Today

  2. Yesterday

  3. Last 7 days

  4. Last 30 days

The following call types are available for each report above:

    • Total Calls

    • Answered

    • Missed Call

NOTE: Each graph has a link to the raw detailed data by clicking on the title of the graph (i.e. ‘Today’, ‘Yesterday’, etc).

Raw call details

Call Record details:

1. Raw Data

The following information is available from the raw data tab:

    • ACD ID

    • Answered

    • Agent Name

    • Called Number

    • Calling Number

    • Start Time

    • Answer Time

    • Release Time

    • Wait Time

    • Call Duration

    • Total Duration

Call Center Premium Reports

The Call Center Premium Call Records displays detailed reporting for ALL calls within a group's call centers.

Call Record Types:

  1. Today

  2. Yesterday

  3. Last 7 days

  4. Last 30 days

The following call types are available for each report above:

    • Total Calls

    • Placed Calls

    • Received Calls

    • Placed Answered Calls

    • Placed Missed Calls

    • Received Answered Calls

    • Received Missed Calls

NOTE: Each graph has a link to the raw detailed data by clicking on the title of the graph (i.e. ‘Today’, ‘Yesterday’, etc).

Raw call details

Call Record details:

1. Raw Data

The following information is available from the raw data tab:

    • Direction

    • Called Number

    • Calling Number

    • Calling Name

    • Start Time

    • Answer Time

    • Release Time

    • Call Duration

    • Total Duration

    • Answer Indicator

    • Related Call Id Reason

    • Account Code

    • Authorization Code