User Call Report

User Call Report

The User Call Report offers a view of selectable users call details. The main dashboard offers the following:

Call Record Types:

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • Last 7 days

    • Last 30 days

The following call types are available for each report above:

    • Total Calls

    • Placed Calls

    • Received Calls

    • Placed Answered Calls

    • Placed Missed Calls

    • Received Answered Calls

    • Received Missed Calls

NOTE: Each graph has a link to the raw detailed data by clicking on the title of the graph (i.e. ‘Today’, ‘Yesterday’, etc).

Upon clicking on the header of each panel, you will be presented with a side-by-side view of the selected users.

The following data is displayed:

  • Total calls

  • Placed calls

  • Received calls

Raw details tab

The raw details offering the following information

  • Last name

  • First name

  • Inbound calls

  • Inbound time

  • Outbound calls

  • Outbound time

  • Total calls

  • Total time