Service Packs
Service Packs configuration
Service Packs are packages of user features that are created at the Service Provider and / or Enterprise level. Once they are created, they can be allocated to a group for assignment to an end user.
When you first enter into Service Packs, the following options are available:
1. List of existing Service Packs
Displays a list of existing services packs. You can search and / or click on any service pack to view the contents of the pack.
2. View Service Pack utilization
Utilization of a service packs displays the service pack, the group that is using the service pack, the total packs available to the group, and how many packs are actually assigned to the group.
3. View Service Pack usage
Allows you to search for an individual feature across all service packs to see if the feature is included.
4. Create new Service Pack
Allows you to create a new service pack
Service Pack Utilization
Utilization of a service packs displays the service pack, the group that is using the service pack, the total packs available to the group, and how many packs are actually assigned to the group
1. Service Packs Name
2. Group ID
3. Total packs available
This is the total amount of service pack license available at the group level that can be assigned to an individual user.
4. Total packs assigned to a group
This is the total amount of service pack licensed actually assigned to an end user.
Service Pack Usage
Allows you to search for an individual feature across all service packs to see if the feature is included.
1. Click, ‘Select a service’
2. A lookup will be performed across all Service Packs and display the results.
Service Pack Create
Allows you to create a new service pack with select user features
1. Create a Service Pack Name
2. Enter a description for the Service Pack
3. To enable Service Pack, click ‘Available for User’
4. Set the license limit:
Enter quantity
Check box or Enter -1 to set to ‘unlimited’
5. Select Services will open up a new modal popup where you can search and select one or multiple services to be included in the Service Pack.
NOTE: Once a Service Pack is created and saved, you will no longer be able to edit. If additional items were meant to be included, you have to delete the Service Pack and recreate it.