
Group dashboard panels

The Group admin dashboard consists of the following panels for management and reporting at the group access level.


The reporting panel allows access to the following types of reports.

1. Auto Attendant Report

Incoming call detail reporting for an auto attendant including graphs and raw data for hourly and daily activity.

2. Call Center Agent Report

Overall call center agent detail report for the Call Centers within a group plus a visual historical dashboard plus raw data.

3. Premium Call Records

Overall call detail report for the entire group and users plus a visual historical dashboard.

4. User Call Report

Side-by-side selectable user(s) report with graphical data plus raw details

5. User Services Report

A user audit report outlining all the users within the group.

Group Services

A group admin can have access to manage any of the available group services within the system:

  • Auto Attendant

Serves as an automated receptionist that answers the phone and provides a personalized message to callers.

  • Call Center

Automatically process incoming calls received by a single phone number by distributing them to a group of users or agents.

  • Call Park

Enable users to park a call against their call park group and set call park attributes

  • Call Pickup

Enable users to answer any ringing line in their call pickup group

  • Collaborate

Create and manage Collaborate Bridges

  • Group Night Forwarding

Configure the group to redirect calls placed to a user during hours when the group is not in service

  • Group Paging

Enable users to page a group of users by dialing a paging group number or extension

  • Hunt Group

Automatically process incoming calls received by a single phone number by distributing them among a group of users or agents

  • Meet-me Conferencing

Configure the number of Meet-Me Conference Ports & Bridges

  • Music on Hold

Play an uploaded audio (music) file for callers on hold

  • Trunk Group

Allows a group of users on a device to have a restricted number of active calls

  • Virtual On-Net Enterprise Extensions

Create and manage Virtual On-Net Users

  • Voice Messaging Group

Enable users to record messages for incoming calls


A group admin can have access to manage any of the available group management type of services within the system:

  • Administrators

Add, modify, or remove group administrators administrators.

  • Announcements

Announcement repository allows you to manage all the audio announcements within the group

  • Bulk Provisioning

Bulk user wizards allow you to enter in information via an intuitive wizard (or .csv) and perform multiple tasks in one click, therefore saving hours of time to provision.

  • Business Profile

View or modify your group profile information

  • Call Processing Policy

Configure group-level Call Processing Policies

  • Calling Plans

Prevent the group from making outgoing calls of a specified type

  • Communications Barring Auth Codes

Configure group-level Communication Barring Authorization codes

  • Common Phone List

Display or modify common group phone lists

  • Custom Directory

Define new custom contact directories that contain a subset of the users in the group or enterprise

  • Departments

Add, modify, or remove departments in your group

  • Feature Access Codes

Specify feature access codes (also known as star codes) and feature code prefixes associated with the group's services

  • Intercept Group

Allows the system to intercept calls terminated to or originated from a group that has been decommissioned

  • Network Class of Service

Display the list of Network Classes of Service assigned to your group

  • Schedules

Add, modify, or remove schedules

  • Users

Add, modify, or remove users

  • Viewable Packs

Add, modify, or remove users specific profile views of features assigned


This Users Panel displays the first 15 users within a group. If more than 15 users are in a group, additional pages will be displayed at the bottom of the panel.

In addition, you may:

  • Search by name or user ID

  • Add a new individual user by clicking on the '+' icon

  • Add multiple users in bulk by clicking on the bulk icon

NOTE: This will redirect you to the bulk user wizard page

User Services

The User Services panel on the Group dashboard is a list of user features allowing you to perform management tasks in bulk.

The following list of users features are available for bulk configuration:

  • Call Forward Always

Automatically forward all incoming calls to a different phone number simultaneously for multiple users

  • Call Forward Busy

Automatically forward calls to a different phone number when the phone is busy simultaneously for multiple users

  • Call Forwarding No Answer

Automatically forward calls to a different phone number when a user(s) does not answer the phone after a certain number of rings simultaneously for multiple users

  • Call Forwarding Not Reachable

Automatically forward calls to a different phone number when the phone is unreachable simultaneously for multiple users

  • Call Recording

Configure the call recording service simultaneously for multiple users

  • Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking

Prevent a user(s) phone number from being displayed when calling other numbers simultaneously for multiple users

  • Hoteling Guest

Allows a user to associate their service profile with a host user and use the host user's device as their primary device

  • Hoteling Host

Designate a user as a host which allows another user with the hoteling guest service to use the host's device with the guest's service profile

  • Outgoing Calling Plans

Display the type of phone numbers user(s) can call

  • Voice Messaging

Manage voice messaging settings simultaneously for multiple users