Meet-me Conferencing

Meet-me Conferencing configuration

Create a new Meet-Me conference bridge and manage existing conference bridges.

Initial Meet-me conferencing page includes:

1. Ability to allocate number of ports for meet-me conferencing.

2. Ability to add a Meet-me conferencing bridge

    • Click on the plus ‘+’ icon to bring up a modal window to create a new bridge

3. Ability to search for a meet-me bridge from the list.

4. Ability to modify an existing meet-me bridge by clicking on any listed

Add Meet-me Conferencing

Meet-me conferencing add page includes the following tabs:

  1. Details (required fields marked with *)

    • Service User ID

    • Service User Domain

    • Service Profile Name

    • CLID Last Name

    • CLID First Name

    • Allocated Ports

    • Security PIN Length

    • Operator Number

    • Individual Out Dial

    • Warning Prompt

    • Max Scheduled Hours

    • Max Scheduled Minutes

    • Set Max Duration

  2. Profile

    • Phone Number

    • Extension

    • Password

    • Public User Identity

    • Department

    • Language

    • Timezone

    • Alias

  3. Users

    • Add / Edit bridge users

Modify Meet-me Conferencing

Modify Meet-me Conferencing settings:

  • Profile

  • Settings

  • Users


    • Announcements

    • Call Policies

    • Communication Barring Auth Codes

    • Service Assignment

      • Add / remove additional services

    • Service Settings

    • Utilities

      • List of FAC codes

Calling Plans

    • Authorization Codes

    • Digit Plan

    • Incoming Calling Plan

    • Outgoing Calling Plan

    • Pinhole Digit Plan

    • Transfer Numbers