AA Report

Auto Attendant Usage Report

Incoming call detail reporting for an auto attendant including graphs and raw data for hourly and daily activity.

Auto Attendant Report Types:

1. Call Volume

  • Call volume by time period

  • Call volume by option

2. Call Time

  • Call time per time period

  • Call time per option

3. Raw Data

    • User ID (i.e. ID of the auto attendant)

    • Department

    • Other Party (name of aa option)

    • Called Number (number of aa option)

    • Placed Seconds

    • Wait Seconds

    • Total Seconds

    • Release time

4. Export / Download

Each report can be exported / downloaded by clicking the the down icon:

Auto Attendant Report Search Steps:

1. Select an auto attendant

Select an auto attendant from the drop down list provided

2. Select Report Type

Select the report type. Choices include an hourly report and / or daily report.

3. Start Time / End Time

Determine the start and end time for the report. Day, Month, Year and time formats can be entered in many ways. Some examples include:

Try typing:

“Last week” / “today”

“Yesterday” / “today”

“Yesterday 3pm” / “today 5pm”



Jan 4 2018 3:00 pm

Plus many more