Create Users

Create users in bulk

Create users wizard

Create Users BULK Provisioning simplifies cradle-to-grave provisioning processes using BULK actions for users, devices, and numbers

BULK Provisioning - Create Users:

There are two options available for creating users in bulk

1. Create User Wizard

Allows you to go through simple guided steps while making sure all the data is formatted correctly and valid prior to being sent to BroadWorks.

Validation of data methods during wizard include:

    • Service Provider / Enterprise create or lookup

    • Group create or lookup

    • Available user License within Group

    • Security rules lookup for auto generated passwords

    • Available numbers lookup

    • Extension / length format lookup

    • Device Type / Profile selection

    • Department create or lookup

    • Leverage tags for quick formatting of fields.

2. Upload .csv file of list of users

Allows you to upload a list of new users in an already known Service Provider / Enterprise and Group

IMPORTANT: All formatting of fields must be known in order to avoid errors back from the BroadWorks platform.

Bulk create users wizards steps:

Step 1: Service Provider

NOTE: This step can be skipped if the clone function has been used already

Create and / or select existing Service Provider / Enterprise

Service Provider:

There are two options available at the Service Provider / Enterprise step:

1. Create a new Service Provider or Enterprise

Select either type:

    • Service Provider

    • Enterprise

2. Select an existing Service Provider or Enterprise

    • Choose from list

    • Search by Service Provider / Enterprise ID or name


BroadWorks ‘requires’ certain information to be sent for each step of the wizard. To avoid errors, odin separates ‘required’ and ‘optional’ tabs. In addition, the required tab will not allow you to save and / or go to the next step until the required fields are filled out. This continues throughout the entire wizard.

Step 2: Group

NOTE: This step can be skipped if the clone function has been used already

Create and / or select existing Group


There are two options available at the Group step:

1. Create a new Group

Required Fields

    • Group ID

    • Group Name

    • Domain

    • User Limit

NOTE: The user limit determines how many users can be configured within the group.

2. Select an existing Group

    • Choose from list

    • Search by Group ID or Name

Step 3: User count

Enter the total amount of user(s) to be created:

1. Validation of maximum number of user allowed:

    • A lookup is performed instantly against the total amount of user license assigned to the group and displayed after the title.

NOTE: if a number is entered that is higher than the amount of licensed allowed, the ‘next’ button will not be available

Step 4: User ID

Enter the user ID format to be used for each user:

1. A user ID must be a unique ID for each user

2. You may use tags to dynamically construct your user IDs.

Available tags:

Step 5: Passwords

User passwords can initially be left blank and / or auto generated.

1. Passwords are required in order to create a user.

    • If they are initially left blank, they must be entered in at the last summary page prior to submitting to BroadWorks.

2. If Auto-Generate Passwords is selected, the system will lookup the security policies set at the group level automatically and generate passwords accordingly.

NOTE: These passwords will be displayed on the last summary page prior to submitting.

Step 6: Names

User names and Calling Line ID are required by the system up creation.

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • CLID First Name

    • CLID Last Name

You may use tags to dynamically construct your user names initially.

In this example leveraging the {{ index }} tag, user names will initially be built as:

    • User 1 (i.e. First Name, Last Name)

    • User 2

    • User 3

    • Etc.

NOTE: Specific naming information can be entered at the summary page prior to submitting and / or at anytime in each specific user profile settings.

Step 7: Numbers

Numbers can either be:

    • Left blank (i.e. assigned later)

    • Added by clicking the '+' icon

      • One or a range of numbers can be added.

    • Selected from an available list of numbers within the group.


If numbers are assigned, the system will do a lookup on the group settings for the extension length or range to be selected.

NOTE: These extensions can be modified at the summary page prior to submitting.

Step 8: Device

Upon entering the device setup, you will first determine what type of user will be created. The choices are:

    • None

    • Hosted User

    • Trunking User

1. None:

If ‘none’ is selected user will be created without a device assigned.

2. Hosted User:

If ‘hosted user’ is selected, you can define the access device endpoint with a corresponding device name along with a line port address for the device.

2. Trunking User:

If ‘trunk user’ is selected, you can define if they are going to be part of an Enterprise Trunk, Group Trunk, or a combination of the two. If part of a Group Trunk, a Group line port can be defined.

NOTE: You may use tags to dynamically construct your inputs.

Step 9: Department

Users can be associated with departments up creation. Choices are

    • None

    • Select from available department list

    • Create new department

1. None:

If ‘none’, user(s) will not be assigned to a department

2. Select from available department:

User(s) can be assigned to an available department from the dropdown list.

3. Create new department:

A new department can quickly be added by clicking the '+' icon. Upon completion, the department will become available automatically via the dropdown list provided.

Step 10: Details

Under the details step, users can be defined with the following options:

    • Timezone

    • Language

NOTE: The selections criteria for both Timezone and Language are pulled from the BroadWorks system.

Step 11: Contact Info

Contact information for the user(s) is optional information to be submitted.

Available inputs available are:

    • Mobile Number

    • Pager Number

    • Email Address

    • Social ID

NOTE: You may use tags to dynamically construct your inputs.

Step 12: Address Info

Address information for the user(s) is optional information to be submitted.

Available inputs available are:

    • Address Location

    • Address Line 1

    • Address Line 2

    • City

    • State

    • Postal Code

    • Country

NOTE: You may use tags to dynamically construct your inputs.

Step 13: Preview Info

Upon completion of the wizard you will be presented with a preview page of all the data about to be submitted to BroadWorks. Prior to submitting, the following options are available:

    • Download content to .CSV file

    • Edit any of the fields presented

    • Submit Task


1. If passwords were selected to auto-generate, they will be viewable via the preview page and you may want to download to .csv to retain a copy for your records.

2. If device MAC Addresses are known at the time of preview, they can quickly be added to each field for each user at this step.

3. If real names are known at the time of preview, they can quickly be added to each field for each user at this step.

Final task details

Task Details:

Upon submitting, all the information entered during the wizard will be sent to a worker task queue and be sent to BroadWorks. Each task is stored and recorded within the system and can be viewed at anytime.

The information stored for each task is:

    • Description

    • User who submitted the task

    • Task status

    • Error

    • Job Status (pending, completed, failed)

    • Last updated (timestamp)

Job Details

Job details are listed on the bottom of the page listing each task performed. Each job details can be:

    • Sorted (all, pending completed, failed)

    • Searched upon

    • Selected for download

    • Select for review.

NOTE: If an error has occurred upon submitting, you will be provided a link under the job status to edit and retry the submission.